This is a walk prepared for Paynesville Lutheran Church by pastoral colleague, Emmy Kegler, who lives and serves in the Minneapolis area. She developed this concept for many neighborhoods around where she lived and was gracious enough to draw one up for us.
In the past, we’ve done this walk around Palm (or Passion) Sunday, as this mimics the walk Jesus took from The Last Supper with his disciples to his crucifixion at Golgotha, or the place called “The Skull.” It helps us to remember those final moments of Jesus’ life here on earth and what he endured on our behalf.
This can be done in any season, though. So, we invite you as part of the Exploration Track to take this walk with Jesus. It begins and ends at Firehouse Coffee Company in downtown Paynesville with the entire walk being approximately 2.5 miles. You should expect the walk to take about two hours if you follow the map and take moments to read the bible passages at each stop. This is built to be family-friendly, but be mindful of the distance and your abilities as a family.
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