We’ve got some seriously creative people out there and we want to see what you can do! We don’t want you to just “color this coloring sheet.” We want you to “COLOR THIS COLORING SHEET!!!!!”
So, we've got five different coloring sheets from Illustrated Ministry. You can pick one of them or five of them to color creatively. Use crayons. Use colored pencils. Use nail polish. Okay, maybe not nail polish. But maybe you could use glue and things you find in nature? Whatever it is, get creative! Get colorful! And have some fun!
Due to copyright licensing, we'll need to send the sheets to you individually. If you'd like to participate, email Tammy in the office and she'll send you the coloring sheets.
ALSO, if you’re willing to share it with us, drop it by church and we’ll make a big mural of all the pages together. We’d love to display ALL your creativity, ALL together, for ALL to see!