Sunday Mornings
Our Sunday School for Preschool - 5th Grade begins at 10:00 a.m. during the school year. It is a time where caring adults and parents from our congregation help teach our students about God's love in a safe, nurturing and fun environment. |
PLC has great opportunities to help your child strengthen their faith, learn about God, and build relationships with other students and adults in our community.
Currently, we use the Whirl Curriculum from Sparkhouse for both our Sunday morning and Wednesday after-school programs. It is a fun, interactive curriculum with creative, meaningful lessons and videos. |
Wednesday After School
Our program is called iQuest, centering on the lifetime journey that God has with each of us. K - 5th Grade students are bussed directly to the church after school and stay through 6:00pm when they are invited, with their families to join us for worship. During the time they are with us, students will play games and participate in activities (both inside and outside), have small group time and share a meal together. Our Wednesday Praise and Worship service begins thereafter. 6th grade students will meet following the 6:00 worship until 7:30. This program is designed to help students transition into confirmation. |